Welcome to the Inkpulp Community
Meet Shawn
Inkpulp was created by comic book artist/ art professor Shawn Crystal as a place to celebrate the craft of comic book art, a space to share the experiences of navigating this comic book business, and a home to pass knowledge forward to those interested in bettering their art and comic book making. On this site you will find a blog, links to all things INKPULP, and message boards to engage in discussions about craft, inkpulp instruction, the inkpulp podcast and many more topics. Welcome to the INKPULP COMMUNITY
INKPULP INSTRUCTION is a movement created by comic book professional Shawn Crystal, that is designed to celebrate and teach the craft of comic book art. It is a series of videos and bite sized tutorials that will instruct the beginner artist and seasoned pro alike. It is the best online resource for learning Sequential Art.
The INKPULP PLAYLIST was created by Shawn to celebrate his love of classic Hip Hop and perfect drawing music.
To celebrate the release of of Shawn’s FRIST hand painted Spawn cover, we are releasing a limited edition print!